Neurology Expertise Covid19 Delirium
Our Neurology expertise has recently been put to the test.
We have been involved in our first Covid19 related case, which emphasises the challenges facing medics in clinical settings.
Neurology expertise plays a critical role in delirium; a disturbance in mental abilities causing confused thinking and reduced awareness. This can be frightening for family members, given the rapid onset.
There can be various contributory factors and symptoms can be similar to dementia. A person can have both.
Delirium can result in reduced awareness, behavior changes, cognitive impairment and emotional disturbances. There are three types of delirium; hyperactive delirium – pacing and agitation. Hypoactive delirium – drowsiness. Mixed delirium – mix of both.
When a patient has hyperactive delirium, they may be agitated and have mood changes and refuse to cooperate. Clearly, in a clinical setting this can be difficult to provide care and undertake appropriate investigations, whilst balancing medications (with reference to the side effects) with impact upon mood and functioning.
Neurology symptoms to be aware of include;
- Disorientation
- Poor memory
- Dysphasia
- Dysarthria
- Tremor
- Motor abnormalities
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Personality changes

Neurology Expertise Medico-Legal Cases
Neurology Expertise Covid19 Delirium
Delirium and impaired brain signals
Causes of delirium can be;
- Medication
- Fever and acute infection
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Injury from a fall
- Urinary tract infection
- Sleep deprivation
- The flu
Neurological conditions such as dementia and stroke can cause delirium.
The Neurology Experts welcome instructions on a huge variety of medico-legal cases.
Neurology Expertise
Detail of our neurology experts can be found here
It can be useful to have input from a Neuropsychiatric expert, particularly where there are other pre-existing conditions to consider. Our Neuropsychiatric experts can be found here
For some more interesting articles on delirium, follow these links;
Delirium in Older Patients With COVID-19 Presenting to the Emergency Department
First Person Account COVID 19 Delirium in a Doctor: When Death Stalks the Mind
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