Medical and Legal Courier Service
40 years nationwide couriering experience, the most recent 18 of which is within the legal and medico-legal professions. For clients with whom we are currently working, courier services are free, but we also offer this independently at a very competitive rate.
Complementary courier services upon request;
Call 0121 352 0517
or email mls@smlegalservices.co.uk
to book
Instructions for Medico-Legal experts can be received:
Via email
71 Walsall Road, Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3BA
DX 20853 Four Oaks
Instructions for legal costing can be received via:
DX 20853 Four Oaks
We appreciate that on occasion matters will need to be actioned urgently.
⦁ A client might have only just come to you with instructions just prior to the limitation date.
⦁ Protective proceedings might have been issued and a report be needed to guide the case and for service.
⦁ A pro bono steer might be needed to determine a potentially negligent act or omission or causal link
⦁ A diagnostic might be required before opinion can be finalised (eg: MRI brain scan)
⦁ A report might reveal that further medico-legal input is required
⦁ A statement of costs might be needed for a hearing
⦁ A costs budget might be required for a CCMC
⦁ Estimates of a medical expert’s future fees might be needed for a costs budget
⦁ Informal costs negotiations may have broken down and a bill of costs might urgently need drawing up
Whatever your urgent requirements, we are here to help.
You can contact us via any of the below means, or visit either our solicitor enquiry page or our expert enquiry page through which we aim to respond within 24 hours.
If however, your enquiry needs more urgent assistance, please call us or advise us of this in your message and we will endeavour to respond by return.
You can write to us at:
SM Legal Services
71 Walsall Road,
Little Aston,
Sutton Coldfield,
B74 3BA
DX: 20853 Four Oaks
Telephone: 0121 352 0517
Fax: 0121 353 9408
Costing Enquiries: info@smlegalservices.co.uk
Medico-Legal Enquiries: mls@smlegalservices.co.uk