ANGEL GROUP LTD & ORS v DAVEY Ch D (A Hochhauser QC) 28/03/17
Fail to disclose information and conduct yourslef dishonestly and you mat face an order for indemnity costs.
RE Z (A CHILD) [2017] EWCA Civ 157 CA (Civ Div) (Longmore LJ, Macur LJ) 28/03/2017
Determining which party should bear the cost of translating documents in public law proceedings depends on the circumstancess.
OMV PETROM SA v GLENCORE INTERNATIONAL AG [2017] EWCA Civ 195 CA (Civ Div) (Sir Geoffrey Vos C, Kitchin LJ, Floyd LJ) 27/03/2017
Enhanced interest in respect of damages and costs pursuant to CPR r.36.14(3)(a) and r.36.14(3)(c) can reflect the court’s disapproval of unreasonable conduct.
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